
A minor in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis serves to provide a rational, unified set of courses which have a clearly articulated theme or focus which allows the student to develop knowledge in educational leadership and policy analysis.   

Contact Shari Smith, ssmith@education.wisc.edu, senior student services coordinator.

A Ph.D. (doctoral) minor requires a minimum of 12 credits of course work in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. Course selection is in consultation with an academic advisor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis.  

Faculty: Professor Anjalé (AJ) Welton (chair); Professors Conrad, Eckes, Halverson, Kelley, Miller, Wang, Winkle-Wagner; Associate Professors Burt, Hillman; Assistant Professors Grooms, Henry, McQuillan, Saldana, Yu; Clinical Professors Crim, Li, Sramek, Salzman, Soffa-Jimenez